What makes for a profound, deep, and defining moment of truth for you, somebody's already beaten you to it. Someone out there would have already figured it out and made peace with it. And you're still grappling with the elementary. So perhaps elementary is relative to experience.
I remember when I was young, I couldn't wait to grow up. To me growing up was about having all the answers. Grown ups look so confident, like they knew it all.
But you need only to grow up yourself to be able to see the chinks.
-a- you don't still know everything there is to know
-b- some of the things you thought you had figured out, get tossed back in your face
and -c- the feeling starts to sneak up that the ones you think are still with you, are waiting to be tossed back, at the right time
Does living a few decades more give you an edge? An added insight into life? Or does it serve to twist your worldview. Maybe what you started with is really all there is to it. Maybe all of your experiences serve to take you away from the basics - the real thing. But why would someone design it backwards. Isn't the whole point to be going forwards, and not backwards?
Are your view points more valid because you have some experiences as a frame of reference for them. Or more warped?
Like tough times. People say that when you've seen tough times, you know what it takes the next time around. But I don't know. At least not for me. Since I have lived a certain kind of hardship, the possibility of having to re-live it makes me crumble. I'm fatigued and worn out right at the start, where you would expect to be best poised for whatever happens.
Me, I'm good at handling things the first time round. When I don't know what's hit me. And I have no frame of reference for the experience. But when you know, how do you do it all over again?
But as with everything in life, it's not that things don't make sense because some things are not meant to. I believe everything is meant to make sense.
The point is, do you get it?
Sometimes you know it in words, but for lack of a corresponding experience, you don't get it. Some of the other times, you have had the experience, but you haven't found the right set of words, to put it all together, therefore you don't get it.